18 Oct Sunday Service at St John the Divine
Preacher: Hannah Neal ...
Preacher: Hannah Neal ...
Sermon on Racial Justice Sunday: Luke 18 1-8 & Genesis 32.22-31 Today we mark Racial Justice Sunday which seem appropriate seeing that it falls within October which is celebrated as Black History Month. I will come back to this later, the two scripture readings we just heard have...
Racial Justice Sunday Service at the Christ Church, Colliers Wood - by Rev'd Alison Judge “Whoever says, “I abide in him,” ought to walk just as he walked. The saying about getting to understand someone by walking a mile in their shoes is one of those sayings...
Harvest Thanksgiving Service at the Holy Trinity, Wimbledon - by Rev'd Mark Eminson. Download the service sheet. ...
Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity. ‘By whose authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority.’ Ask the chief priests and the elders as Jesus is teaching in the Synagogue. Download the service sheet. Describe to me someone in authority, what do they look like? What do...
Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity. Sermon on forgiveness by by Nick Mayhew-Smith. Download the service sheet. Found some chocolates that had been left for Alison. But I was hungry and I ate them all down quickly. We can move on to the service though because Alison is a priest and...
Homily Trinity 13: 6 September 2020 - Ezekiel 33.7-11 & Matthew 18.15-20: Today has been designated as Climate Sunday and it begins a short period which, in recent years, has been called Creationtide: it fits in with the usual time for Harvest Festivals and culminates on...
Homily Trinity 11 - 23 August 2020: Romans 12.1-8 & Matthew 16.13-20 ‘I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.’ Download the service sheet...
Ninth Sunday After Trinity The two readings morning challenged me to evaluate my personality on the risk-taking spectrum where I consider myself to be. I am not interested in parachuting out of plane or going to the racing track because am terrified of the sound of...
Eighth Sunday After Trinity Download the homily [ PDF ]. Download the service sheet [ PDF ]....