26 Jul Sunday Service at Holy Trinity
Sixth Sunday After Trinity Download the service sheet [ PDF ]. Hellfire, brimstone and the eternal flames of damnation lie in wait. I'm joking of course. It's probably not the first time however in the past 150 years when the pulpit of this church has been used to say...
Fifth Sunday After Trinity Whilst we’ve been in lockdown I have been having some lovely chats with people on the phone. Keeping in touch with members of the congregation and, to be honest, also being rather more in touch with my friends than I usually am,...
Rev'd Alison Judge explains how important it is to be thankful for the things that we enjoy in life. ...
Fourth Sunday After Trinity Download the service sheet....
Petertide, in the contemporary Church, is the preferred time for ordinations. The small-print of my diary is littered with my own and friends’ anniversaries of ordination during these days; in fact, today is my twelfth anniversary of ordination as a deacon and eleventh anniversary as...
The Bishops, Archdeacons and Dean of the Diocese are calling the people of the Diocese to observe two minutes’ silence at 11.00am on Windrush Day, Monday 22 June. Bishop Christopher writes: “I rejoice at and take pride in the diversity within the Diocese of Southwark which...
The child grew, and was weaned; and Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned.(Genesis 21:8) Today is Father’s Day a special day when we say thank you to our fathers. In the dictionary there are many meanings to the word “father”....
Prayers and Scripture for private use in church or at home, and Prayers for Racial Healing. Download the Prayers and Scripture for private use in church or at home [ PDF ]. Download the Prayer for Racial Healing [ PDF ]. Please bring this prayer with you if you...
We are sent out to proclaim the values of the Kingdom. ‘For while we were still weak Christ died for the ungodly’; that’s us. This is not an invitation to feel how bad we are but a statement about how astonishingly and unfailing generous God is....