Holy Week and Easter



This is the most important week in the Church’s year, and there are services in all three churches in the Merton Priory Team Ministry. For full details download our Holy Week leaflet. Here is what is happening at Christ Church (and a couple of events elsewhere).


25 March – Palm Sunday

10.15am  Palm Liturgy at Christ Church and Procession to

10.45am Parish Eucharist at St John the Divine, High Path.


27 March – Tuesday

12.15pm Eucharist


28 March – Wednesday

7.30pm Holy Week Service and Shared Meal


29 March – Maundy Thursday

7.30pm  Eucharist of the Last Supper, followe by a Watch of Prayer till midnight.


30 March – Good Friday

12.00 mid-day Walk of Witness from Christ Church to St John the Divine

1.30pm The Liturgy of the Passion at St John the Divine


31 March – Easter Eve

(11.00am Messy Church Special  at St John the Divine)

(9.00pm The Easter Vigil  at Holy Trinity South Wimbledon)


1 April – Easter Day

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 

11.15am Festival Eucharist for all ages