Messy Church – Craft Ideas

Messy Church – Craft Ideas

Our next Messy Church is due to take place on 9 May and will again be a virtual celebration. The theme will be Noah’s Ark and you can read the story in Genesis starting at Chapter 6 and going through to Chapter 9 verse 17.

There are a lot of rainbows around at the moment so let’s join in.

Here are a few craft ideas:

First of all create a RAINBOW – you can do this any way you like – streamers, paints, pencils, coloured paper – send Alison a picture of your rainbow.

Make an animal face mask of your own design or if you need some ideas here are some templates.

Make a dove –

Make a paper boat and see if it will sail on the water.  Here’s how:

Do you have toy animals how about having an animal procession into the ark [you can use a box for the ark].

Don’t forget to send Alison  ( ) some photographs of your activities and creations.  As she will be showing the photographs on our websites please send pictures of the art work and not photos of children; unless well disguised as animals!

Alison is really look forward to seeing what you make and on Saturday 9 May we shall have a Messy Church Celebration on the website for everyone to join in.  There will be songs and prayers and we shall share the story of Noah.  If you could let Alison have your photos by Wednesday 6 May that would be great!

You can still see our Messy Easter celebration on You Tube: Messy Easter – the Biggest Miracle Ever.

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